European Subsidies and Projects

What is it about?

The European Union maintains numerous funding programmes and thus makes an important contribution to financing projects in the most diverse areas with correspondingly diverse target groups. That way, it aims to realise its own political goals and support projects that could not be realised without subsidies.

Which ones are there?

The most important funding instruments include the Structural Funds, i.e. primarily the Regional Fund (ERDF), the Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund. With these, the EU participates in financing investments in companies, in infrastructure, in further education and qualification, in the environment and much more. The Structural Funds offer companies, municipalities, public authorities, educational institutions, associations and clubs a wide range of opportunities to carry out their own projects.

Funding programmes of the European Union

pro-fundus offers you tailor-made advice and coaching on the design and implementation of various EU funding programmes and instruments. These include the Structural Funds and the Culture Programme. This is done on the basis of concepts that are developed together with you and tailored to your specific needs. In addition to advice on basic issues, pro-fundus also offers modules on specific funding issues.

Project development and application for EU projects and project management

The EU's contribution to projects consists of a staggered financial participation depending on the programme, which is usually very attractive for project participants. However, this is offset by a high level of time and personnel expenditure on the part of the applicant. The same applies here: in addition to a financial contribution and high content standards, a successful application requires consideration of and compliance with numerous and sometimes very complex regulations. Against this background, pro-fundus advises among others, companies, public authorities, educational institutions, foundations as well as associations and societies wishing to participate in EU programmes.

Ralf Hell Projektideen

Development of own project ideas and concepts

Ralf Hell Förderprogramm

Choosing the right funding programme

Ralf Hell Antragsverfahren

Support with the application process

Ralf Hell geeignete Partnern

Search for suitable partners

Ralf Hell Antragsstellung


Ralf Hell Projektdurchführung

Project implementation under guidelines that have to be observed

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