Partner Companies

How do you benefit from my cooperations?

pro-fundus works closely on a project basis with several nationally and internationally active agencies. The basis of this successful cooperation is formed by similar corporate philosophies, mutual trust and equally high demands on the quality of their own work and on customer satisfaction.

Among other things, different competences, perspectives and experiences flow into projects and complement each other. Furthermore, there are also well-functioning networks behind the respective partners from which you can benefit. On this basis, I aim to use resources efficiently and thus minimise your costs.

Here are some of my partner companies:


The internationally active agency cubus music specialises in PR, marketing and fundraising in the music sector. It accompanies established projects and is active in the development of strategies for new formats in the industry.

CLM Group

The CLM Group offers career coaching, coaching for founders and for companies. In addition, it trains business people and specialists in various sectors.


IdeenPaten is a network that supports innovative projects in schools, municipalities, administrations and other public institutions. It supports decision-makers in all matters relating to communication - from public relations and change management to establishing contacts with political decision-makers.


2050 is dedicated to the topic of sustainability in its various dimensions. The company advises companies and municipalities and accompanies them in the development and implementation of strategies that are fit for the future.

edu:impact - Agency for Political Education & Communication

edu:impact helps to strengthen democracy. The most important key to this is political education. The company combines methodical competence with in-depth knowledge and imaginative concepts individually adapted to the target group and message of its customers - digitally, hybrid or in presence.


ATV GmbH is a private continuing education company that specialises in conducting continuing vocational education seminars at university level. Together with trainers and coaches with practical experience, ATV offers modern seminars with individual focuses and individual coaching.

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